## Exec xp_ReadErrorLog LogNumber, LogType, SearchItem1, StartDate, EndDate, SortOrder
## LogNumber: It is the log number of the error log. You can see the lognumber in the above screenshot. Zero is always referred to as the current log file
## LogType: We can use this command to read both SQL Server error logs and agent logs
## 1 – To read the SQL Server error log
## 2- To read SQL Agent logs
## SearchItem1: In this parameter, we specify the search keyword
## SearchItem2: We can use additional search items. Both conditions ( SearchItem1 and SearchItem2) should be satisfied with the results
## StartDate and EndDate: We can filter the error log between StartDate and EndDate
## SortOrder: We can specify ASC (Ascending) or DSC (descending) for sorting purposes
DECLARE @logno INT= 0;
SET @start = cast( dateadd(day,-7,sysdatetime()) as datetime);
SET @end = sysdatetime();
DECLARE @searchString1 NVARCHAR(256)= 'Login';
DECLARE @searchString2 NVARCHAR(256)= '';
EXEC master.dbo.xp_readerrorlog